Synergyst Pte Ltd
73 Upper Paya Lebar Road,
#06-01J Centro Bianco
Singapore 534818
Tel: (65) 6282 8369

Holiday Programmes



Kitchen Science (P1-2)
In this fun holiday class, we will conduct interesting kitchen science activities like learning:
1) How salt can be used to lower temperature?
2) How yeast can be used to make bread?
3) How natural colouring can be extracted from plants and used in food or other uses?
4) How different simple ingredients can be mixed together to change state?
Through these fun experiments, children will create and bring home interesting art work using natural food colouring and fun slime using non-toxic ingredients.
Past Projects

Forces and Energy (P3-4)
Forces and Energy are important science concepts introduced in Primary School. Through making fun gadgets and toys as well as conducting interesting experiments, we allow children to “experience” how these forces and energy are in action around us. Children can also bring home some of the fun items they have made for further exploration.
Some exciting things we will explore are:
1) Energy Conversion on a Rolling Creature
2) Magnetic force on a fun maze
3) Frictional Force on a fun Rope Climber
4) Gravitational Force on Balancing toy
Math Magic and Games Making (P1-4)
Finding it difficult to interest your child in Mathematics? Join us in this is unique holiday programme where your child will learn through Magic that are based on sound mathematical concepts. Your child will be guided to decipher the mystery behind the magic, taught to perform the magic and challenged to modify the magic to create their own new version.
Your child will then be engaged in an Upcycling Project of making their own ‘Arcade’ Game.